October 8, 2013

گویایِ خاموش Stillness Speaks

    سکون میگوید  را همراه بردم توی قطار آم ترَک  Stillness Speaks کتاب 
که یعــــــــــــــــــــــــــنی سکـــــون در حــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر کـــــت
Eckhart Tolle writes " A true spiritual teacher does not have anything to teach in the
 conventional sense  of the word". The spiritual teacher , he says, reveals to you "who  you already are" and " What you already know" in the depth of your being.

با اجازه حضرت حکیم طوس و آقای افلاطون وجنابِ سقزاط.. چند بیت  چو مهمانی    هم سرزده نازل شد از عالم بالا (خانه ی زیر اجاره) و این 
هم از این....
فلاطونِ دانا ز سقراط گفت......
.تو آبستنی رازهـــــــای نهفت
نیاموزمت تازه دانستنی.....
.به دانستنی ها چو آبستنی...
به یاد آرمت آنچه دانسته ای.
..به دانستنش چون تو شایسته ای...
فرا دار گوش و شنو خود خموش....
..برون و درون خالی از جنب وجوش
ســـــــــــخن کز خمـــــــــــوشی بر آید نــــــــیـــوش
کــــه فـــــــــرزانِگــــــــی جانـــت آرد به هــــــــــــــوش

An attempt to render this poem which was inspired by Tolle's reminder that since Socrates and Plato and Sufi theosophist like Shahab-Din-Sahravardi- شیخ اِشراق Ebn Arabi and Ru mi  as well as   Buddhism and Hindu thoughts before them held that all knowledge is innate in all manifestation of existence at all times,..... all in one breath. The above poem is in  Msnavi in the style of Greatest Epic Poet of all times.. Hakim Abolghasem Ferdosie Tosie.. So in honor of the above.! This is  that which shall pass.!

All wise Plato related once from the  great master Socrates...
The hidden jems of knowledge within you is as if you are pregnant
As you hold the knowledge and wisdom within already, I then am the midwife
When time is due and deserving are you, the offspring of wisdom come to life.

Listen, Hear and be silent... still inside and out..
Listen to the words stemed out of silence eckoe
So wisdom may awaken your soul.

Rocky Mountain North Carolina around 4 PM on tuesday October 8th 2013
By Hazrat Ali keh khodeman bashim.

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On this b-loging businessُ.

It has been a while since I wrote any thing that I did not have an audience in mind or better yet did not know who might read or not and what for. Concentrating on Poetry and free style format stream of consciousness is what I HAVE IN MIND LIKE YOUR JOURNAL OR DAIRY. IN BOTH FARSI AND ENGLISH. LET FREEDOM evolve

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Oakton, Virginia, United States